Latest Firmware v2.5.3 & Updated Version 1.9.1 of Wakespeed App Now Available

WS500 Firmware v2.5.3 Now Available

The WS500 Firmware v2.5.3 addresses a bug related to possibility for reduced (or declining) alternator output during a charging run. For more information on 2.5.2 and 2.5.3, please see the updated Wakespeed Communications and Configuration Guide.

The latest Firmware v2.5.3 is accessible through the WS500 Advanced Alternator Regulator product information or can be downloaded below.

Updated Version 1.9.1 of the Wakespeed Configuration and Monitoring Utility App Now Available

The latest Version 1.9.1 of the Wakespeed Configuration and Monitoring Utility App addresses a bug related to the iOS app launching.

Version 1.9.1 of the Wakespeed Configuration and Monitoring Utility App is available for free on Android and iPhone iOS platforms and can be downloaded in the App Store and Google Play Store.